Uninterpretable technical diagrams in the asemic writing tradition.
This is a place and test algorithm using four geometric objects. The point source object, a randomly placed position from which everything manifests. The arc, a curved line with a centroid around some point source object. The radiant, a straight line that originates on an arc and emanates away from its point source. The end point, a graphic ornamentation detail placed on the end points of radiants and arcs.
Coloring is achieved with sand painter objects. Sand painters are sweeping lines that expose the image with thousands of highly translucent colored pixels over variable density similar to traditional sand painting.
The algorithm allows for keyboard control over the growth of the composition. Point sources can be added at will. Arc or radiant growth can be accelerated. Sand painting can be stopped and started. Glowing nodes can be added and later connected across multiple scales. All this control is exposed during the drawing process to allow emphasis on whatever aspect of the process seems interesting at the time.
Glowing nodes are overlaid into the resulting geometric construction, then connected together to form imaginary constellations.
Multiple captures are made of the same composition as it grows. What is interesting often becomes more interesting during computation.
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Programmed in Processing
On Orcas Island, Washington, USA
Around 2:20pm September 13, 2020